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The Ben Franklin Gazette

'If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading or do things worth the writing.' Learn about the man who wrote this quote and see if he embodied this concept. Benjamin Franklin is a man who wore many hats. We will explore some of the various roles that he has played in history throughout this WebQuest. In the following WebQuest, you will use the power of teamwork and resources on the Internet to learn all about Ben Franklin. Each person on your team will learn one piece of the puzzle and then you will come together to get a better understanding of the man named Ben.

The Quest
Who is Benjamin Franklin? What were some of his contributions and accomplishments? Are these contributions and accomplishments still of value today? Just as Ben Franklin was an editor of a newspaper we are going to take on the role of a journalist to help us answer the question of who is Ben Franklin and what lasting contributions did he make during his lifetime.

PA Curriculum Standards
8.1.6 Grade 6 Historical Analysis and Skills Development
8.2.6 Grade 6 Pennsylvania History
1.5.8 Grade 6 Quality of Writing
1.6.8 Grade 6 Speaking and Listening

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