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The Process and Resources

In this WebQuest you will be working together with a group of students in class. Each group will create a newspaper with three parts.
Each member of the group will complete one of the three parts.

Part 1 - background information on Benjamin Franklin's life.
Part 2 - information on notable quotes by Benjamin Franklin.
Part 3 - an advertisement selling one of Benjamin Franklin's inventions.

Each group will be evaluated on along the following guidelines (click on the link below).
Rubric: Benjamin Franklin WebQuest
Individiual grades will reflect the overall group grade.

As a member of the group you will explore different websites about Benjamin Franklin.
The reading level might challenge you. Feel free to use the Online Webster's Dictionary or one in the classroom.

Assignments will be presented to the class. Some of the following questions will be discussed, so please feel free to
reflect on your own or as a group, if time permits.

What do you think Benjamin Franklin's most important invention was?
Did you find out anything about Benjamin Franklin that surprised you?
What about Benjamin Franklin would you like to learn more about?
What do you feel, after learning about his many contributions to society, was the single most influential thing Benjamin Franklin did in his lifetime?

Activity Links

1.) Background Activity
2.) Quotes Activity
3.) Invention Activity
4.) Evaluation Activity