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Ben Franklin's Inventions

1. Print out the worksheet from the link below.
2. Choose 4 of the 12 inventions to research.
3. Click through the powerpoint presentation to find the answers to the questions on the worksheet.
4. Take those answers back to your group members to create the assignment detailed in the assignment link.

Click on the picture of Benjamin Franklin to print out your worksheet!

Benjamin Franklin's Inventions
1. Lightning Rod
2. Furnace Stove
3. Odometer
4. Bifocals
5. Glas Armonica
6. Three Wheel Clock
7. Daylight Savings Time
8. Fire Department
9. Political Cartoon
10. Catheter
11. Long Arm Extension
12. Libray Chair

Here is the powerpoint presentation where you will find all the answers to the questions on the worksheet! Have fun exploring!

Inventions Powerpoint
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